Easter Bunnies

A letter from IAATP Senior Rabbit Foster

They are not a gift.

"What an adorable idea to get the kids a bunny for Easter!"

Sounds great, right?

Many parents have this same idea, as did I many years ago. It was a grave mistake after allowing a relative to purchase a bunny and give it to my kids. I soon realized that rabbits are not fish; they do not belong in a cage, are extremely susceptible to illness, and need a lot of interaction, love, and roaming time.


Now, this is not an excuse, but it is, unfortunately, the truth.

This is an unfortunate reality for many rabbits at this time of year. I also realized that they have extraordinary personalities' when given a chance to be themselves. It was then that I realized I had done this little soul a terrible misfortune and set out to provide her with the best life possible. My kids and I got educated, rearranged our home, and formed everlasting bonds with one another and our bunny. My home and family are now dedicated to rescue, and although I will continue to do all that is possible, there are way more rabbits at this time of year than I can even contemplate handling and properly caring for.

This brings me to the next point...

The community and IAATP [NEED] your help!

At this time of year, so many rabbits end up being dumped in the wild, surrendered to shelters, or severely neglected after an impulse purchase. Rescues become inundated with buns and can only save as many as they can handle. That being said, very few people truly understand and want to care for these extraordinary creatures.

We are currently asking for anyone who is a rabbit lover and can adequately care for a foster to please give a piece of your heart to these misunderstood, impulse-purchased, intuitive lives. Help rehabilitate them, show them love, and form everlasting bonds while searching for their forever homes.

It is not just my mission and the IAATP's mission to save these mistreated lives but to continue to educate people in general about rabbits and what they require so that this can stop happening (below, we have linked educational articles).

IAATP has several avenues that we ask for the public's participation:

Get Educated: we have a wealth of knowledge and support to offer. If you feel like you don't understand what your bunny needs and are overwhelmed, we are happy to help educate you and help you make your rabbit's habitat better that works for your family and your pet. We can help show you what these guys are made of, and hopefully, when your bunny is happy, you'll get the chance to see what a wonderful pet you have.

Owner Surrender: instead of dumping or placing extra hardship on your local rescue, you can reach out to IAATP, and after a thorough review, you can "foster" your rabbit while we search for a forever home. A win for the rabbit and leaves room for true rescue situations at the shelters.

The Next One Is My Favorite!

Foster to Adopt: this means that you are looking for a bunny, whether it's to bond with an existing bunny or for a single companion but feel that you're unsure if it will be a good fit. This can be an overwhelming prospect, and I get it; fostering to adopt allows you to help with the crisis and get to know bunnies over a period of time while we search for forever homes. If it turns out you fall in love with your foster and are the perfect fit, then you can apply to be the permanent home. If the foster is not a perfect fit, you continue fostering until your bunny finds you! I truly love this idea!

Fostering: We desperately need fosters no matter what, so this is, of course, an option. We would love to have you on our team of fosters! Fostering is such an amazing experience; from the day a new unloved bunny comes into your home, you get to watch them peel off their layers and become themselves, happy and secure bunnies. They start to trust you as if you are the first human who has truly loved them. This part is hard but worth it.

So, what do you say?

Are you committed to helping us save more bunnies?

Are you committed to making responsible choices for a living creature you have brought into your home?

Are you committed never to stop learning how to better the lives of any pet you call family?

Be a part of our team! We would love to have you! Apply here.


The Happy Bunny: Essentials to Owning a Rabbit


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